Quick start
Try Scala Online with Scastie or ScalaFiddle
Scala Center (not-for-profit scala org)
JVM (main language site)
Coding Tools:
IDES / Programming Environments
IntelliJ with Scala Plugin
Ammonite Scripting, REPL, System shell
Metals (VSCode, Sublime, etc)
ScalaIDE (Eclipse Plugin)
Build Tools
Code Formatting / Linting
Scalafix (Linter/Refactorer)
Free Books, Tutorials and Guides:
Underscore.io books (many free books)
Non-free Books:
Free Scala Courses:
* Functional Programming Principles in Scala
* Functional Program Design in Scala
* Parallel Programming
* Big Data Analysis with Scala and Spark
* Introduction to Programming with Dependent Types in Scala (advanced)
Non-Free Courses:
Scala Conferences:
* Functional Scala (UK/Remote)
* LambdaConf (USA)
* Typelevel Summits (Misc.)
* Scala by the Bay (USA)
* flatMap (Norway)
* Scala Up North (Canada)
* Scala Days (USA, Europe)
* Scala World (UK)
* Scala Swarm (Portugal)
* Scala.io (France)
* Scalar (Central Europe)
* Scala Sphere (Poland)
* nescala (USA)
* LX SCALA (South-West Europe)
* ScalaConf (Russia)
Scala Jobs:
Scala Libraries:
Web Development and Microservices
- Caliban
- Play
* Akka HTTP
* Lagom * Sttp (HTTP Client) * http4s * Finch * Udash - Frontend and Backend
* Lift
* Scalatra
* Skinny
* Vert.x
* Sangria - GraphQL
Web Front End
Database Access
- Anorm (RDBMS)
- ScalikeJDBC (RDBMS)
- Doobie (RDBMS)
- Quill (RDBMS + Cassandra)
- Phantom (Cassandra)
- ReactiveMongo (MongoDB)
- Elastic4s (ElasticSearch)
- Slick (RDBMS)
Functional Programming
- Typelevel
large functional programming community - ZIO - Solutions powered by Functional Programming
- Shapeless
- Cats
Concurrency / Parallelism
Distributed Computing
Open Source Applications written in Scala
Want your library here? Message the moderators!
Related Communities:
Scala Times(weekly news)